Who's who: a list of active business angels, Pre-seed, Seed, Series A and Series B VC firms in Spain (2024)

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The great thing about classics is that they’re timeless! Today, we’re reintroducing one of ours: our curated list of active Spanish business angels and funds.

We periodically update this database to assist founders in finding the perfect investor for their company. While sometimes we might be the perfect partner for a founder, often it’s someone else, and we’re more than happy to assist where we can :) 

In addition to below in this article, you can also find the most updated version of our selection in this Google Sheets.

Please let us know if you think we have missed any funds or business angels and we will update the article. And, if you’d like to receive our articles directly in your inbox, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter!

The 2024 list:

Pre-Seed | Business Angels 

Seed | Business Angels 

Series A | Business Angels 

Pre-Seed | Funds

Seed | Funds

Series A | Funds

Series B | Funds


The great thing about classics is that they’re timeless! Today, we’re reintroducing one of ours: our curated list of active Spanish business angels and funds.

We periodically update this database to assist founders in finding the perfect investor for their company. While sometimes we might be the perfect partner for a founder, often it’s someone else, and we’re more than happy to assist where we can :) 

In addition to below in this article, you can also find the most updated version of our selection in this Google Sheets.

Please let us know if you think we have missed any funds or business angels and we will update the article. And, if you’d like to receive our articles directly in your inbox, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter!

The 2024 list:

Pre-Seed | Business Angels 

Seed | Business Angels 

Series A | Business Angels 

Pre-Seed | Funds

Seed | Funds

Series A | Funds

Series B | Funds